Neighborhood Resources
City Services and Information
311 is a toll-free number and online portal that allows people in the District of Columbia to request assistance with city services and information.
Mobile App for Apple and Android Devices – DC311
Text DC311
Online Live Chat during standard business hours
Twitter @311DCgov
Call 311 or (202) 737-4404
Public Transportation
Washington Metro & Bus Service
The Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority (Metro) provides Metrorail, Metrobus, and MetroAccess services to the national capital region. For detailed information about getting around the District of Columbia by public transportation go to Metro Works Fare.
To plan your trip by public transportation. Click Here
The Senior SmarTrip® card for citizens age 65 and older enables seniors to get the discounted fare on Metrobus and Metrorail. Click Here
MetroRail Service
The Logan Circle neighborhood is served by the Green Line with stops at U Street/ African-American Civil War/Cardozo Station, Shaw/Howard University Station, and Mt. Vernon Station, and by the Red Line with a stop at DuPont Circle.
MetroBus Service
Bus - 52, Bus – 54, and Bus – 64 stop in the Logan Circle neighborhood.
MetroAccess Service
MetroAccess is a shared-ride public transportation service for people who are unable to use fixed-route public transit due to disability. "Shared-ride" means that multiple passengers may ride together in the same vehicle. Click Here
Circulator Bus
The DC Circulator is a mode of public transportation that travels throughout Washington, DC, and into Arlington, Virginia. It is easy to understand – six routes connect you to DC’s main attractions and popular neighborhoods for both visitors and residents. The Circulator Bus runs through the Logan Circle along 14th Street. For Circulator information. Click Here
Useful Transportation Apps
Resident Parking
DC DMV will issue a residential parking permit (RPP) to allow any DC DMV-registered private vehicle or vehicle with reciprocity to be parked without restriction in the permit area of the vehicle’s registered address. Click Here.
Visitor Parking
The Visitor Parking Pass (VPP) program is designed to allow guests of District residents to park for more than two hours on Residential Permit blocks. Households on eligible RPP blocks in the District are eligible to register and receive passes. A VPP is only valid within the zone indicated on parking signs, and the ANC designated on the pass. Click Here.
On-Street Parking
A database of District blocks and their parking restrictions is available through DDOT. Click Here.
Metered Parking
Use public transportation, walk, or ride shared bikes to and around Logan Circle but if you must drive, go to parkmobile for a free app to pay for public parking.
Refuse, Rubbish, & Recycling
Trash Collection & Recycling
The District‘s Department of Public Works (DPW) collects trash and recyclables from residents living in buildings with 3 or fewer units. Those living in apartment buildings with more than 3 units do not receive trash collection services from the City. Most households in the District follow a once-a-week trash and recycling collection schedule, but homes in neighborhoods with narrow streets and alleys, such as much of Logan Circle, receive twice-weekly trash collection and once weekly recycling collection. Use the Trash and Recycling Collection Day App to find your collection day(s).
DC offers several locations for residents to drop off food waste for composting, including at the DuPont Circle Farmers’ Market. Click Here.
Residents can also get education about home composting and a discount on a home composting system at zerowaste.
To learn about home pick-up of compostable materials (for a fee), go to veterancompost, compostcab, or Compost Crew.
To purchase composted material for your garden. Click Here.
Holiday Schedules
When a holiday falls on a trash and recycling collection day, collections will "slide" to the next day for the rest of the week after the holiday through Saturday. See DPW’s Slide Guide for more information.
Bulk Trash & Collection of Hazardous Materials
DPW collects large, bulky items by appointment from residential households that receive DPW trash collection service. Call the Mayor's Citywide Call Center at 311. You can also download the mobile app now available on the Google Play and Apple App Store. You can also take bulk items to the District’s Fort Totten Transfer Station, which also handles collection of hazardous materials. For details on bulk trash collection. Click Here.
Services for New Residents to DC
The District offers useful information for new residents. Click Here.
Senior Information
Get information for seniors and caretakers from the DC Office on Aging. Click Here.
Public Schools
Much of the Logan Circle neighborhood is assigned to three elementary schools – Garrison, Seaton, and Thomson. Go to the websites below for more information on each of them.
In 2021 Banneker High School relocated to its new facility in Logan Circle. Learn more at Click Here
To find out what school your child is assigned to, go to Visit us. The District provides information on public school enrollment and an application for the school lottery at Click Here.
While there are no charter schools with the LCCA boundaries, there are over 100 charter schools in the District. Click Here.
Parks and Playgrounds
Parks and playgrounds in the Logan Circle neighborhood range from the grand, historic Logan Circle itself to Stead Park with play equipment, a recreational center, and a large playing field to small pocket parks such as the French Street and 10th Street Parks. Many of our parks are supported by volunteers, usually organized into Friends groups, who maintain and improve the parks and provide programming, especially for kid-oriented events. Learn more at the following:
Public Library
The Watha T. Daniel Library, located at 1630 7th Street, NW and close to the Shaw Metro stop on the Green Line, is the closest public library to Logan Circle. For information on its hours of operations, programs and events. Click Here.
The DC public library system offers extensive resources, including research materials, online and in its libraries. Click Here.
Understand how to register to vote and the details of voting in the District Click Here. To find your polling location Visit here.
Statehood for the District of Columbia
Residents of the District of Columbia are not represented by voting members of the US House of Representatives or any member of the US Senate but advocates are lobbying to change that. Learn more at Click Here.
Contact Our Elected Officials
The Logan Circle neighborhood, located primarily in Ward 2, is represented by Councilmember Brook Pinto.
Advisory Neighborhood Commission
The District of Columbia is divided into thirty-seven neighborhood areas, each represented by an Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC). ANCs are groups of residents, elected by their neighbors, who work to ensure that their individual neighborhoods are well-served by city government.
Each ANC area is a collection of smaller areas called Single Member Districts (SMDs), each with its own elected Commissioner.
Logan Circle is part of ANC 2F, which has eight Single Member Districts. For information on ANC 2F members, meeting agendas and other information. Click Here.